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Quantum Attack

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Quantum Attack Empty Quantum Attack

Писане  The^^Spellbound Сря Юни 09, 2010 1:25 pm

(Въпросния текст се явява глава от книгата на един познат, която скеннах за хората интересуващи се от материята. Интересни неща за Инго и началото на remote viewing-a. Общо 5 страници, дано на някой му е любопитно да я прегледа.)


Serving as the quantum bridge between the aethyric world and the physical plane, the Well of Souls has gone largely unnoticed or has been underemphasized in recorded history. It is, nevertheless, representative of the key paradigm when it comes to understanding how spirit and matter interact. Although I have never really discussed it too much, my own experiences in synchronicity spring from a sphere which is commensurate with the phenomena surrounding the Well of Souls, particularly where spirit and matter interact. This last statement, if not qualified, might sound too vague and abstract. It is therefore advisable that I address some new ground which will put this in a more understandable format for most readers. This has to do with the subject of remote viewing.
Remote viewing, which has been a popular but very misunderstood and exploited subject, is just one offshoot of this quantum bridge between the physical plane and the so-called aethyric realm. Ever since The Montauk Project was written, I have received overtures and letters of enthusiasm from various people who wanted to get me involved and/or interested in remote viewing. These letters were extremely naive and were written by people who had been caught up in the moment of the glamour and potential of remote viewing. Having seen many people go astray
on this path, perhaps it is time I comment on why I have never budged in this direction.
First and foremost, the area is ripe with hucksters who are either trying to enrich themselves by offering courses that do not help the aspirant, or there are genuinely talented people who are either mind controlled or carrying out an agenda that is not in the interest of anyone in particular. Remote viewing, however, is a very serious subject.
One of the most talented and scientifically validated remote viewers in history is a gentleman by the name of Ingo Swann. Hailed as the "Father of the Remote Viewers," Ingo has been featured in many large conferences of remote viewers. He is esteemed beyond belief in these circles. Ingo is the author of many books, including free internet editions of his history in remote viewing. There is, however, some interesting history about this gentleman that is largely unknown which also reveals a deeper aspect to some of the mysteries concerning my own work.
Ingo Swann caught the attention of the U.S. Government in a very big way when he demonstrably affected, through mental or psychic processes alone, a supercooled magnetometer that was encased in solid concrete five feet beneath the foundation of the Varian Hall of Physics at Stanford University. This was solidly witnessed by Dr. Arthur Hebbard, Dr. Marshal Lee, and six "doctoral candidates" who were allegedly students of Hebbard. In other tests, Ingo demonstrated an uncanny accuracy when dealing with psi ability.
This experiment, which took place under the auspices of the Stanford Research Institute, caught the Government's interest for at least two primary reasons. First, they knew they were well behind Russia when it came to psychic spying and psychic warfare technology. Second, anyone who could influence the magnetic field of a nuclear weapon was potentially very dangerous (the guidance systems on nuclear weaponry are based upon a magnetic field). Obviously, this was something neither the intelligence agencies nor the military could let slide by. Most, if not all, of the original development of Remote Viewing in the Government has been attributed to Ingo Swann. While this is not completely correct, his influence was very large. Others have even sought to rip-off or run with their own versions and have even obscured his contributions to this field. What is even more obscured is that Ingo only demonstrated these abilities on a large scale after he had reached the highest levels of Scientology in the late 1960's. In аct, his legendary work was accomplished with two other high level Scientologists known as Hal Puthoff and Pat Price. What is particularly noteworthy about this aspect of the Scientology connection is that when a Congressional committee issued their final report uncovering past scandals of CIA mind-control experiments, including MK-ULTRA, BLUEBIRD, and ARTICHOKE, there was no mention whatsoever of the remote viewing projects. Even more notably absent were the names of the key personnel and the fact that they were full level Scientologists who had intelligence agency backgrounds and were using the Scientology techniques in their research.
I can say without any hint of exaggeration that the entire subject of remote viewing is a shard or offshoot of a phenomena which L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology describe as exteriorization. Exteriorization refers to independent perception without reference to the normal perceptic channels of the human body. In other words, you can see, feel, hear, touch, and perceive everything the body can perceive completely independently and irrespective of the body. You never, never, never hear the word exteriorization in New Age, psychotronics or mainstream versions of the subject. Instead, the term "out-of-body experience" is used and is often abbreviated as OBE. The term OBE slowly began inculcating its way into the culture after Ingo's initial experiments and has picked up considerable momentum over the last decade. Similarly, the words dysfunction or dysfunctional have become prevalently used instead of Hubbard's word which was aberration. If people were to call dysfunctional behavior aberration, it would either give too much credence or shine too much light on Hubbard's early work and techniques.
Pat Price, mentioned above as one of Ingo's colleagues, was actually said to have been the most accurate ofthe remote viewers. According to Ingo's writings, Price complained of someone slipping, something into his coffee before he died of a sudden and unexpected heart attack in 1975. Besides this mysterious episode, a so-called "friend" of Price's showed up at the emergency room with "a briefcase full of his medical records" which apparently convinced the emergency room physician to wave an autopsy.
Hal Putoff was the other member of the Scientology trio, and perhaps he was the most powerful of them all. Puthoff worked for the National Security Agency prior to joining Scientology and moving up to a high Scientology level designated as OT III (in Scientology "OT" is an abbreviation for "Operating Thetan" where the word "thetan" is an equivalent to the word spirit). Immediately thereafter, he joined the CIA created remote viewing program at the Stanford Research Institute.
In those early days of OT III, one was not allowed to be a bonafide completion on this level until one fully exteriorized from the body with full perception. Later on, Hubbard modified the expectations on this level and created the level of OT VI where one was expected to be fully and stably exterior from the body. In today's Scientology, the level that was once known as OT VI has been abrogated and is no longer available as a level from Scientology. Substitute levels have replaced it so that the OT VI of yesteryear is no longer what it was nor do they even purport it to be.
In the aftermath of the work at the Stanford Research Institute, Scientology doggedly pursued the Government, including the National Security Agency, using the Freedom of Information Act in an attempt to clean up false reports that the Government had written about it or L. Ron Hubbard. In response, the NSA used very clever wording in responding to the Church's request under the FOIA. On February 14, 1975 they said the following:
"The NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA) replies to FCDC's (Founding Church of Scientology of the District of Columbia) FOIA action that it has not established any file pertaining either to FCDC or L. Ron Hubbard, and that it has transmitted no information regarding either to any domestic agencies or foreign governments."
As Scientology pursued their course of investigation, proceedings against the Department of State and the CIA revealed that the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA) had at least sixteen documents concerning Scientology and related organizations. This embarrassed the NSA who had been lying by saying they had no such documents. All of a sudden, when confronted and backed into a corner with the truth, the NSA located all but one document and then took legal action to prevent the release of the materials on grounds of national security. This is a rather astonishing fact in itself. What on Earth could a church that was allegedly a fraudulent setup have to do with national security?
W hen one realizes that the key remote viewing experiments at the Stanford Research Institute were done by Scientology OTs who could exteriorize from their bodies, it is clear that Scientology would have been deemed a security risk at the highest level of government. Not only could Scientology OTs exteriorize and potentially spy on government secret projects, they could conceivably influence the magnetic factors crucial to the proper instrumentation of nuclear weapons. This includes military secrets and logistical movements as well. It was only a potential threat, but a very real one.
There are some vagaries as to the relationship between the Government and Ingo Swann, Pat Price, and Hal Puthoff. Some accounts have them as government spooks who infiltrated Scientology in order to learn these techniques for their own use. While this is not necessarily the case, no one can argue that their connection to the Government make them suspicious on that count. In the end, they were all up to their waist in Government connections.
There is an amazing date-coincidence with the time-line of their work and the subsequent development of the Montauk Project in the 1970's. Some of the Scientology theorists believe that the Government's infiltration and attack of Scientology was as a direct response to the onset of Scientology and the promulgation of the OT Levels. The Government was definitely researching the paranormal long before Scientology even existed. Nevertheless, Scientology was a potent movement that enabled one to operate in a fashion that was rather unprecedented for normal human beings. There are countless theories. The facts give cause for ample speculation. Unfortunately, most of the theories proposed, particularly those by former Scientologists, are lacking in completeness and objectivity although many bring up interesting and relevant points. It would require too much study at this point for me to even try and take on exactly what happened and all of the subsequent ramifications.
To the point of my topic, I will revisit Ingo Swarm, the Father of Remote Viewing. If he truly is the Father of Remote Viewing, and no one has really begrudged him this appellation, then that would make L. Ron Hubbard the "Holy Ghost of Remote Viewing." Ingo sought to distance himself from Scientology in the past, and he also mentioned being persecuted "in the minds of some" as being a Scientologist. Instead, he makes a distinction as always being "a student of Mr. Hubbard's ideas and techniques." After all, it was Hubbard who not only devised original techniques for exteriorizing from the body but who studied out-of-body experiences intensely since the early 1950's.
People sometimes think that former Scientologists would be buddies or the like. This is not only decidedly untrue, but Ingo, by all appearances, wants to keep at a distance from me. There is an interesting story behind this. One time I went to a conference in Greenwich Village to meet up with a friend. She was standing off of a balcony and was watching me engage in conversation with a UFO advocate who was grilling me about Montauk. While I spoke, I noticed this strange little man circling me and behaving oddly. He would stop for a while, move to a different location and stop. It was very irregular. When I joined my friend, she looked surprised and said, "I can't believe you didn't connect with Ingo!"
When I asked her what she was talking about, she had noticed that Ingo and I were practically circling each other but did not make verbal contact. She thought it was quite odd that we did not communicate. I was in the middle of a communication with a person who was asking me very intentful questions about Montauk and wanted serious and responsible answers. It was taking up all of my attention. I never did talk to Ingo nor did I see him again on that day. I heard he left shortly thereafter or perhaps he just made himself inaccessible. Years later, my friend told me that Ingo was adamant about going to a picnic where some of her friends were going to be. She heard that he expressed a strong interest in monitoring her psi fields. Apparently, he had been monitoring mine as well. After returning home, I eventually asked Preston Nichols if he had ever encountered Ingo Swann. The answer was yes. Many years ago, when he was first investigating the Montauk Project, Ingo had come to him under a different name and told him to stay away from it. In other words, Ingo was apparently a representative of the Government or Psi Ops Corps and was telling Preston not to look into the Montauk Project.
In subsequent years, I have tried to have people contact Ingo on my behalf. I have been told that he does not want to talk about his government connections and that he seems to go blank or just not respond when Montauk is mentioned. There also have been reports that he has blanked out utterly during certain periods of his life. I cannot personally vouch for this last statement, but I can certainly say that he seems to blank out on the subject of Montauk.
There is no question that Ingo has demonstrated some paranormal abilities. He has also done some valid research and come up with some interesting information. His work should be studied before any sort of judgment or conclusion should be placed upon him, andjudgments are very suspect anyway. My point in bringing him into the fray is for two reasons. First, he is a rather hallowed and recognized figure on the paranormal circuit who utilized high level Scientology techniques in order to demonstrably link spirit or mind with matter. The second reason is to show how incestuous and subversive the remote viewing community is. After the release of The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, wherein Preston gave a description of remote viewing which was unique and new for its time, a whole remote viewing community and cottage industry began to emerge. Much of it seemed designed to steal whatever thunder Preston had created and tended to act as a counter-wave to the Montauk information. After all, here were "government psychics" telling you "the truth."
I am familiar with the techniques Ingo Swann utilized from his Scientology days. Additionally, I am also trained in how to spot when these techniques have been incorrectly used or have led people astray. There is a good reason why I have resisted people's desire to have me become involved in the remote viewing phenomena. When you put somebody in an exterior state from the body, they are in a vulnerable state and are predisposed to the reactive part of their unconscious mind kicking in on them, sometimes in a very hard manner. Sometimes this factor is minimal and sometimes it is null, but there are also more subtle factors that come into play. When one operates on this level, negative or painful indoctrinations in one's past lives or quantum lives can incline one toward conditioned or programmed behavior. This is why Hubbard left these levels to be pursued only after a state of "Clear" had been attained. That is a state of being where one has literally cleared all of one's negativity or conditioned predispositions from the past.
In the case of Ingo Swann, there is another factor at work. Many websites have him listed as being gay. This is no revelation to many of the people I have spoken to who either knew him or arc familiar with him. In his own writings, he does mention having an affair with a woman from the United Nations who led him into Scientology. This would indicate bisexuality at the least. I bring this up not to malign him in anyway because we now live a culture where everyone has human rights, and it certainly should be that way. My point here is to bring up a factor with his Scientology forays as well as his endorsements of Hubbard's teachings. Many people have stated that Hubbard was anti-gay or the like. This was not true. In fact, he did not discriminate against them within the organization. But, his research, which was not based upon opinion but observation, was that gay people are self-destructive and covertly hostile to their environment and/or the people in it. This is due to painful indoctrinations they have suffered either in their current life or in past lives (which would also embrace quantum lives). This was usually very deeply buried.
One can also argue that some men like men because they want to like men. This is true, but one can also ask the rhetorical question of why such a person chose to be in a male body instead of a female body where one would experience a more balanced condition. Of course, most people are not aware of "choosing" any body. This is where the painful indoctrination comes in. Most people are not aware of any states of consciousness outside the realm of normal homo sapiens. If one awakens in their current life only to discover that they have acquired a body of the wrong sex, this person is obviously in a predicament where he is wrestling with his own past. One has to come to terms with one's own "self-destructive" decisions of the past. In the end, it all comes down to a matter of choice and that state of mind which I have labelled quantum self-determinism.
Another aspect of the gay factor is that the Montauk Project thrived on programming individuals through homosexual techniques. If the gay attributes ascribed to Ingo are true, and I have no reason to believe they are not, he would be a prime candidate for tampering. Based upon his resistance to discussing Montauk, this would seem a decided probability.
Besides the above, there is another factor which makes Ingo suspect with respect to serious investigation of either the Philadelphia Experiment or Montauk Project. At one time, he was seriously involved in his remote viewing research with Jacques Valle. In the book The Philadelphia Experiment Murder, it was demonstrated that Vallee had deliberately written disinformation about the Philadelphia Experiment in an article in The Journal of Scientific Exploration entitled The Anatomy of a Hoax.
Although Ingo is a brilliant man and a successfully proven psychic, his actions have led me to conclude that he either worked for the Government from day one or that he was tampered with. His talk about his heterosexual experience was prior to Scientology. It is entirely possible that, after achieving a potent state of consciousness, he was taken in and conditioned to respond in certain ways on different subjects. In his writings, Ingo claims to have joined the intelligence community when he realized that all military failures are basically intelligence failures. He sought to help the Government ward off the Soviet menace. This is a very suspect view for someone who indulged in Scientology or the teachings of Hubbard. Hubbard himself believed that all wars were created by cartels who would profit from them, either by money or control. In any case, Ingo Swann was viewing the Cold War as a real event and "patriotically" chose sides. He ended up working for the same people who would conduct an unprecedented raid on the Church of Scientology and end up convicting some of its higher officers.
What was all that fuss really all about? Were Scientology techniques really all the powerful?


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Join date : 15.05.2010

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